Second 2 None Fitness sports performance program is a comprehensive approach that focuses on four pillars of athletic ability, Mobility/Flexibility, Strength/Power, Speed/Agility, and Cognitive function under stress.
We work athletes of all ages and abilities. Our program is based on scientific proven methods and breaks each component down to fundamental biomechanics and pattern movements. You can go anywhere and do drills. The difference at S2N is the menchanics of movement being learned then using a drill to enforce those mechanics.
Cognitive function which is our fourth pillar is something that everyone forgets about and separates our program from others. Great athletes can make a great player, but a athlete that can react and make quick decisions while fatigued and under stress is invaluable. In this drill above we are working on the basics of getting that individual fatigued while performing a basic movement, then adding in the cognitive/reaction with and audio and visual stimuli asking them to catch the ball with the appropriate hand. Simple yet effective.